The seeds of doubt

Upon returning home, Esme couldn't relax. The events of the day had left her mind swirling with a tempest of unanswered questions. She had no idea what was going on at the company. 

Would Ruby continue to blame her? Would Silas be able to convince her that it was just an accident? What would Ruby say to him? What would be Silas's final decision? 

Restlessness gnawed at her, rendering her unable to find solace in the familiar comforts of her surroundings. With every passing moment, the nagging doubts and fears threatened to consume her. She needed someone to listen to her. Only one name popped up in her mind.

"Adel," she murmured. 

Without hesitation, she reached for her phone, her fingers dialing the familiar number with practiced ease.

"How is our star doing?" The playful lilt of Adelynn's voice greeted her on the other end. "I haven't heard from you for a few days. It seems that Silas keeps you quite busy." 

"Adel, can we meet?" Esme asked.