The missing message

Fuming, Ruby stormed out of Silas's office, the taste of defeat bitter on her tongue. She had failed to manipulate Silas into believing her fabricated story about Esme, leaving her desperate for another outlet to vent her frustrations. 

Ruby phoned Julian. The call didn't connect, much to her dismay. 

"Where are you, Julian? Why are you not picking up my phone?" she muttered and tried to reach him once again. This time, Julian cut the call.

"Why is he disconnecting my call?" Ruby's brow furrowed in confusion. "What is happening?" She called him once again. 

"What is it, Ruby? Stop calling me. I'm busy," Julian snapped, the call ending abruptly before she could utter a word.

"What the hell! He hung up on me. Ugh," she groaned, slamming her phone against her palm. Frustration morphed into fury. "Wait, you can't ignore me like this. You have to talk to me." She dashed toward his cabin.