The undeniable attractions (Part-1)

The next day…

Dawn light speared through the apartment window. Esme, bleary-eyed from a night filled with restless sleep, sighed and pushed herself upright. She couldn't stop thinking about what had happened at the office after she had left. She wanted to know what action Silas had taken regarding the wardrobe malfunction incident. 

Esme decided to go to the office early. As she went to prepare breakfast, she saw the refrigerator was empty. Not a single bean, not a shred of toast. 

It was only then that she recalled she had forgotten to run errands the day before that she had planned earlier. As a result, there was nothing to eat. 

"I need to buy groceries." She shrugged, looking at the empty shelves of the refrigerator. 

Esme fetched her purse and went out of her apartment. She took the elevator, which brought her to the ground floor swiftly. As soon as she stepped out of the elevator, she encountered Silas, as handsome as ever.