The chaos in the company (Part-2)

The tension was palpable in the conference hall as Silas surveyed the staff members involved in Ruby's photoshoot. His gaze flitted across each face, searching for any flicker of guilt, any sign of deception. He had repeated the same question several times, phrased differently each time, hoping to crack the facade of innocence they all presented.

Their denials came swift and resolute. Each head shook emphatically, each voice filled with unwavering conviction.

"Miss Shaw, this is the last time, I am asking you." Even though he knew Esme was innocent, he still asked her sternly, "Did you take Ruby's pictures that day?" 

"No." Esme shook her head. Tears welled in her eyes, glistening like spilled diamonds as she met his cold stare. "I didn't," she choked out. His harsh question had struck a chord, echoing her own internal turmoil.