Flawless acting

Julian's frown deepened. His heart clenched with anguish at the horrifying image Matilda described. The image slammed into Julian, vivid and horrifying. His stomach lurched. He couldn't shake the haunting thought of what could have been if Matilda hadn't acted swiftly to save her life.

"She must be upset about the incident that happened in the shoot," Matilda mused aloud. "Everyone believes in the narrative that Sullivan Group of Industries presented. Who will counter them? They even turned her makeup artist against her." She snorted bitterly. "How could she have planned something like this to frame someone? Ultimately, she was humiliated. Consider it carefully, Julian. Do you believe Ruby could do such a thing to herself?"

Julian's expression pinched as he considered her words. Doubts gnawed at his mind, fueled by the uncertainty surrounding Ruby's motives. Yet, even as he grappled with his doubts, Julian couldn't bring himself to fully trust Ruby either.