Surprising encounter

The interview was finally over, and Silas returned to his cabin. He had just settled on his seat and started checking the files scattered across his desk when Caleb entered and informed him that he had found an interpreter. 

"That's good," Silas said before Caleb could reveal the name of the interpreter. "Make sure no additional problems develop. And follow up with Leo. He informed me this morning that a new shipment of diamonds had arrived. I want the finest diamonds for the new designs."

Caleb nodded in understanding, mentally noting Silas's instructions. However, he couldn't suppress the need to address the matter of the interpreter. "Uh, about the interpreter…" he began tentatively.

"Is there any problem?" Silas's sharp inquiry cut him off mid-sentence, his attention momentarily diverted from the files.

Sensing the urgency in Silas's tone, Caleb quickly reassured him, "No, there is no problem. She wants to…"