Irresistible pull

Silas's steps faltered, his pulse quickening as if his heart sought to escape from his chest.

Esme looked beautiful and fresh; the delicate fragrance of shower gel wafted through the air like a sweet melody. Her porcelain skin glowed softly under the illumination. Her eyes held a captivating sparkle, enticing Silas, beckoning him into their depths with an irresistible pull.

He felt a tremor course through him, an overwhelming urge to draw her close, to press his lips against hers with a fervor that bordered on desperation. Her damp hair clung to her delicate features like silken strands, framing her face in a portrait of untamed allure. Silas's throat constricted as he fought the urge to brush the strands away, to feel the softness of her skin beneath his fingertips.