Sharing the bed

As the night deepened, Esme settled onto the sofa, preparing for a peaceful sleep.

"I'll take the sofa," Silas interjected, his voice firm. "You should sleep in the bed."

"You won't be comfortable here. Don't worry; I am fine." Esme gave him a reassuring smile. 

"Absolutely not." He reached out, snatching the blanket from her grasp before hopping onto the sofa with surprising agility. "I'm sleeping here."

"Silas?" Esme's surprise was evident, her mouth agape.

"That's an order," he asserted, his gaze unwavering. Esme couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"It's not work hours, and you're not my boss right now," she countered, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "So, your orders don't apply here. Get up and go to bed."

She reached for the blanket, but Silas was quicker, yanking it back towards him. The playful tug-of-war ended with Esme tumbling onto him with a surprised yelp.