The shocking revelation (Part-1)

Despair painted Emma's face. "No, no… I-I can't face him." She waved her hands frantically in a gesture of denial. "He has released me only from his office. If I show my face, he'll fire me for good. No, not at all. I can't do this." Her hands trembled violently, mirroring the turmoil within.

"Calm down, Emma." Esme reached out and held her hands. Looking at her nervousness, she grew worried. "He'll understand if you explain," Esme reasoned. "You've been with him for years. You were his favorite. He often praised you, didn't he? He'll forgive you, Emma. Just find your courage and talk to him."

But Emma's terror ran deep. A fresh wave of sobs wracked Emma's frail frame. "I can't, Esme, I just can't. Please don't make me. I'm already a mess. Don't make it worse."