The shocking revelation (Part-2)

Silas' fury surged at the revelation. He yanked Caleb back, his towering form casting a menacing shadow over the bedridden man. "You what?" he roared with raw anger.

The man flinched under Silas' stormy gaze, on the verge of tears.

"Boss, control yourself!" Caleb hissed, reminding him of the doctor's warning. "We need to keep him calm."

Silas scoffed and roughly shoved Caleb's hand away. He stalked towards the window, seeking the solace of cool air to quell his rising temper. "Get him to talk, Caleb," he growled. "Every detail. And if he hesitates, call the cops. Don't wait for my order."

Caleb turned back to the man and said with a hint of warning, "Did you hear him? This is your last chance." He held up the phone. "If you lie or hold anything back, this phone connects straight to the police station."