Crazy love-making (Part-1)

Esme stood frozen in the embrace of Silas, her mind reeling with confusion and surprise. His unexpected gesture had caught her off guard, leaving her bewildered. Wasn't he angry with her? She struggled to make sense of the conflicting emotions swirling within her.

Silas pressed a tender kiss against her neck. "I waited for this moment," he confessed softly with longing. "It was difficult for me to keep myself away from you."

Her heart fluttered at his admission, but Esme couldn't help but voice her curiosity. "Why did you keep yourself away from me? Because you were upset with me?" she ventured.

Silas drew back slightly, his expression a mix of confusion and realization. "Didn't you say you wanted to maintain a professional relationship when we were in the office?"

His question left Esme speechless, her mind racing to process his words. "So you were avoiding me for that!" she exclaimed incredulously.