The victory

"Before he can do anything to you, I'll make sure you're finished," Silas threatened her. He stretched his hand toward Caleb, who pulled out Samira's purse from his coat pocket and handed it to him. 

Samira's eyes widened in a mixture of horror and confusion. How had Caleb gotten her purse? Before she could voice the question, Silas ripped it open, his movements predatory. He rummaged inside for a moment before extracting the glinting diamond set, its brilliance mocking her deception.

A gasp tore from Samira's lips. Her carefully constructed facade crumbled entirely, replaced by raw terror.

Silas held up the necklace, a cruel smile twisting his features. "Not only were you a liar, but a thief as well. Stealing from my office? You've tarnished your father's reputation more than you could ever imagine. His dream of becoming mayor will be buried alongside your freedom – you'll be spending your time behind bars for deeds."