The truth

Samira, oblivious to Silas' doubt, continued her charade, feigning concern and innocence as she conversed with Caleb. "What do you think, who can do such a thing?" she inquired. "Stealing something from the CEO's office is not a normal thing. It wouldn't have happened unless someone inside betrayed us. Perhaps you should start with that secretary."

Caleb saw through her ploy. But his response was measured, his expression betraying no hint of the skepticism he felt. "You needn't worry, Miss Scott," he reassured. "Mr. Sullivan won't rest until the thief is found."

The weight of the word 'thief' pressed down on Samira, her heart twisting in her chest. A knot of apprehension tightened in her stomach. Samira fell silent, her mind buzzing with a mix of annoyance and apprehension. She wished everything would finish soon.