The fresh rumors (Part-2)

"The cops summoned her, but she didn't show up," Caleb explained. "Later, they found out she and Matilda were missing." With each word Caleb spoke, Silas's temper flared, his worry for Esme intensifying. The news of Ruby's disappearance ignited a fierce storm of emotions within him.

Silas's jaw clenched tightly, his hands balling into fists as he struggled to contain the torrent of frustration and fear bubbling beneath the surface. "Find her at any cost," he growled with urgency and determination, before abruptly disconnecting the call.

"Fuck, man." With a curse, he hurled his phone aside. "One problem is yet to resolve, another arises."


Before he could catch his breath, the shrill ring of his phone shattered the silence once more. With a furrowed brow, Silas snatched up the device, his frustration palpable as he answered the call with an edge to his voice. "What's now?"