Fresh problems in the project.

Inside the presidential suite… 

It was late at night. The opulent suite, bathed in the soft glow of the chandelier, mocked the turmoil within. Its plush furnishings and exquisite décor did little to dispel the thick tension that hung heavy in the air. 

A young woman knelt on the plush carpet, her trembling form a stark contrast to the luxurious surroundings. Her eyes, red-rimmed and puffy from recent tears, mirrored the streaks of mascara that marred her otherwise flawless face. Wracked with sobs that punctuated the suffocating silence, she dared to steal a glance at the man before her.

Her sobs punctuated the thick, oppressive silence of the room from time to time. She glanced up at the cold yet handsome man who sat sprawled on a plush sofa.

The man exuded an air of cold authority, his posture regal as he surveyed her with an impassive gaze.  The harsh light glinted off his sharp features, emphasizing the coldness in his otherwise handsome visage.