The disturbing phone call

A few days later…

Days bled into one another, a blur of late nights, endless coffee, and the relentless push to meet the demands. Finally, the problems were resolved. 

Silas and Caleb, seated in the office, were relishing their success. 

"Finally, it's over," Caleb said delightfully. "We can go back home." 

"Yes," Silas replied, a contented smile tugging at his lips.

"The shoot is happening the next day," Caleb informed. "I am quite impressed with how they work tirelessly for it."

"I knew Emma wouldn't disappoint," Silas declared, radiating confidence with a triumphant grin.

"Boss, give Esme some credit too, wouldn't you say?" Caleb interjected. "Emma's talent and dedication are undeniable, but Esme's contribution shouldn't go unrecognized."