You trust the rumors, not me.

Ethan's smirk widened, sending a tremor of disgust through her. "Your friend's having a good time," he drawled, his voice dripping with insinuation. "Let's two of us enjoy ourselves." He took a menacing step closer, his hand reaching out to stroke her cheek.

Esme recoiled, swatting his hand away with a disgusted flick of her wrist. "Don't touch me," she snarled.

She tried to walk past him to look for Emma, but he lunged forward, grabbing her arm with a bruising grip. The sudden movement sent a jolt of fear through her.

"You, bitch. Why are you pretending to be innocent? I know your kind of woman," he sneered, hauling her closer. He leaned in aggressively, his fetid breath washing over her face as he attempted to force a kiss upon her.

"Let go of me." Esme struggled to break free from the man's grasp, her body tense with fear and disgust. She tried to push him away, but his hold was too strong.