We were just following orders!

Esme wound up, ready to leave. She looked at the closed door of the CEO's office, eagerly waiting for Silas to come out.

He had told her to wait for him.

"Are you not leaving?" Emma asked.

Esme scrambled for an excuse. "Um, yes, I'll leave," she stammered "But something just slipped my mind. Actually, I haven't finished the sales report," she lied.

A prickle of shame rose on her neck. She had already prepared the report and emailed it to Silas.

"Okay, you can take the file home," Emma said, accepting the transparent lie with a shrug.

"No, I'll finish it now and email it to Mr. Sullivan. Or else, he has to wait till Monday." Esme was surprised at herself. She had started lying effortlessly to keep her relationship with Silas a secret.

Emma's shoulders rose in a neutral shrug. "Alright, if you say so. I'll leave then. Have a nice weekend." With a wave goodbye, she disappeared down the hallway.