Ruby’s confession

Those words landed on Silas like a lightning bolt. His posture ramrodded straight, the casual ease replaced by a coiled tension. "What do you mean?" he growled, the words a low rumble in his chest. "Are you lying to escape the punishment? Don't think I'll be fooled by your games. I'll kill you myself."

Ruby recoiled, her whole body trembling. "No, please," she exclaimed desperately. "Please believe me."

"Believe you!" Silas snarled. "You spun a web of deceit to frame Esme, even stooping to public humiliation. Have you forgotten that, Ruby? You're a manipulative snake, capable of any lie. It reeks of your usual theatrics."

A fresh wave of tears streamed down Ruby's grime-streaked face. "I am not pretending," Ruby sniveled. "Why would I lie now? You have both of us. There's nowhere to run, no escape. I'm telling you the truth. It's not us. Someone else is after Esme."