The suspicions

A couple of days later…

At the Smith Corporation…

Phill, his posture rigid with an undercurrent of worry, marched towards Colton's office, his footsteps echoing in the lobby. His grip on the folder was tight. Reaching the imposing oak door, he rapped a sharp rhythm against it.

"Come in," Colton summoned.

Pushing the door open, Phill walked in and nodded to his boss. "Mr. Smith," he began, his voice clipped, "this is what I found out about Miss Shaw." He handed him the folder.

With a furrowed brow, Colton reached out and accepted the folder. A tense silence stretched between them as he flipped it open. The first page greeted him with a splash of vibrant color - a picture of Esme, her face alight with joy, playing with water on a beach alongside another woman. Laughter seemed to radiate from the photo.