The divorce agreement

Colton's suspicions had been steadily mounting. He sensed that something was amiss. He knew his daughter very well. Lara would not rest until she unearthed the reason behind Silas's abrupt departure from their vacation, returning to his office under the cover of darkness. Yet, when questioned regarding the matter, she said that she didn't know anything about it. This only served to heighten Colton's suspicion, fueling his conviction that Silas was not with Lara.

In an attempt to glean further insight, Colton approached the subject with the utmost caution. "Tell me truthfully, my princess, did you two argue? You can tell me if something happened between you two. I'd love to help you." His voice radiated genuine concern.

Lara listened to her father with a mixture of incredulity and annoyance, retorting skeptically. "Why do you think that something is wrong between me and Silas?"