I’ll keep the baby.

Julian arrived half an hour later and made his way to the ward in haste. The sterile hallway echoed with his hurried footsteps, which screeched to a halt outside Esme's ward. A choked sob pierced through the thin door. Julian's heart clenched as he listened to the conversation unfolding inside the ward.

"Esme, what now? Will you tell Silas?" Adelynn asked.

Esme shook her head in response, her throat thick with tears. "He...he's married already," she hiccupped. "I and my baby have nothing to do with him. I won't tell him."

"Then? You mean you plan to abort the child?"

A heavy silence descended, broken only by Esme's ragged breaths. Her hand rested protectively on her stomach, a fresh wave of tears glistening in her eyes. "It's all my fault," she choked out, the guilt heavy in her voice. "I should've known I couldn't be a Sullivan."