Silas’s explanation

When Silas arrived at the hospital, he ran into Adelynn. A flicker of surprise flickered across his face, quickly eclipsed by a deeper furrow of his brow as he noticed her frosty demeanor.

Adelynn's eyes held a coldness that made his skin crawl. With pointed indifference, she cast him a sidelong glance and swept past him, her back ramrod straight. She pretended as if she didn't know him.

Silas wasn't oblivious. He understood the reason behind her icy demeanor. Guilt gnawed at him, but a stronger urge propelled him forward. He needed to see Esme before he could talk to her.

"Adelynn!" he called out with urgency. "Wait a minute." He quickened his pace, catching up to her in a few strides.

Adelynn sighed helplessly. She stopped and turned to face him with an indifferent look on her face. "Do you have anything to say, Mr. Sullivan?" She asked flatly, with thinly veiled hostility.

"How is Esme?" he blurted out, his heart sinking into his gut.