What game are you playing?

At Joseph's place...

As soon as Silas finished explaining what had happened in the morning, Leo slammed his fist on the table, the groan of wood echoing in the wake of his proclamation. "Damn man, you are fucked up." He couldn't believe the whole thing was just a misunderstanding.

News of the fabricated marriage had spread like wildfire, scorching Silas' reputation. "Lara, that conniving witch!" Leo spat. "This whole charade is all her doing! People think you're finally married to your childhood sweetheart."

Silas, swirling the wine in his glass, offered a nonchalant shrug. "I can't exactly hold that against her now," he murmured, a hint of worry flickering in his eyes. "Colton's in bad shape. I'm not particularly fond of him, but I don't despise him either, and I certainly don't want him to perish. Joseph, you must assist me in finding the best doctor to treat him."