Biological father

Silas brought Esme to his penthouse. The door slammed shut behind them as he dragged her inside. "You will be staying here," he declared, his jaw clenched.

Esme yanked her arm free from his grasp, her eyes flashing with fury. Stepping back, she leveled a furious gaze at him. "You're insane," she spat, her chest rising and falling rapidly, anger radiating from every pore of her being.

Silas scowled even deeper, surprised by the intensity of her reaction. "Am I insane? Really? You went back to your ex, and I'm the crazy one? How am I supposed to react?"

Esme's anger simmered. Her hand twitched with the urge to strike him. Why would she go back to Julian if he had not betrayed her?

"Let me remind you of a few things," she hissed, her teeth grinding together. "You are married. I specifically told you not to contact me. And I have zero interest in being labelled a homewrecking mistress!"