You're throwing our friendship away!

Lara fought to hold back tears. She steadied herself with a deep breath before speaking, "I know you are upset. You are entangled with my issues, causing Esme to leave you. But let me remind you: you're the one who suggested the engagement in the first place." Her voice held a sharp edge.

Blinking back tears, she confronted Silas, "Why the anger now? It's not that I am forcing you. You always had the option not to help me, but you promised to be by my side and help me secure my position in the company, remember?"

Silas's jaw clenched and his gaze suddenly turned razor-sharp. "Don't pin the blame on me," he retorted. "This whole charade is your fault."

Lara recoiled, her protest swift. "No, I'm not blaming you. I am reminding you. You promised to help me."