It was not an accident?

Silas' gaze lingered on Esme, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features. His focus finally dropped to her lips. Two weeks of emotional distance had only intensified his longing for her. Pushing aside the gnawing ache in his heart, he leaned closer, the intent clear in his eyes. Just as his lips were about to brush hers, Esme turned her head away.

The warmth in Silas' eyes vanished, replaced by a fleeting flicker of hurt. He stepped back, shoving his hands into his pockets. If she wasn't ready, he wouldn't force it.

"I'm looking into this," he said, his voice regaining its steely edge. "Whoever's behind Adelynn's accident will pay."

Esme felt a strange pang of loss under his icy glare. The playful, loving Silas she once knew seemed to have vanished completely. She'd witnessed his anger, his jealousy, even his possessiveness, but this chilling coldness was a completely different beast. It was unsettling.