The truth has been hidden for years.

The shock on Esme's face morphed into a mask of disbelief and confusion. "What are you talking about?" she blurted, squinting at Silas with a furrowed brow. "How could he not be your father?"

Silas remained silent, his throat constricting. A torrent of emotions choked him, rendering him speechless. Finally, after a tense pause, he rasped, "There's a secret I recently found out. The truth has been hidden for years. Ewan Sullivan isn't my biological father. My real dad... he's David, my mom's ex-husband."

Esme felt a fresh wave of chills cascade over her. Her ears rang, and her mind reeled, momentarily slipping from her grasp. In a flash of clarity, a horrifying realization dawned on her. It was only at this point that she realized why he had been so disturbed last night. The image of his vulnerable demeanor, the miserable cry that night when he brought her back to the penthouse forcefully resurfaced vividly.