Real father

Silas felt the sting of her words. Doubt flickered in his eyes as her words resonated within him. Her perspective, harsh as it was, had exposed a glaring gap in David's narrative.

He had believed blindly whatever David had said, but he had never considered why he had never approached him. All David had done was take the money from Victoria and stay away from his son. He wouldn't have appeared in front of him if Caleb and his men had not found him.

Had David manipulated him emotionally? What transpired in the past between David and Victoria? These questions gnawed at Silas, his restlessness growing.

"Silas!" Esme's voice broke through his mounting turmoil. "David may be your biological father, but he didn't fight for you. Don't let this revelation destroy you. Embrace the love you have received and the person it has helped you become. That's all I wanted to say."