The shrewd game

After the meeting, Lara headed back to her cabin. She spent hours on the phone, trying to reconnect with old clients and investors. But every call ended the same way—with rejection. Her confidence began to waver with each unsuccessful attempt, and she couldn't help but question her abilities.

Was she truly incapable? Could she not navigate this crisis without her father by her side, without Silas's support?

Frustrated, she slammed the receiver down forcefully. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the battle ahead. She would need to muster every ounce of her skill, charm, and determination to navigate the treacherous waters of corporate politics and prove that she was more than just Colton Smith's daughter. She would not let her father's legacy crumble without a fight.

The unwelcome ring of her phone made her scowl. It was Kendrick. Her temper, already simmering, boiled over.

"What do you want?" she spat with icy disdain.