The bleak reality

Victoria hurried over to Silas, her heart pounding but her face composed. She met his stormy gaze without flinching, determined to stay calm in the face of his fury.

"Silas, you know your father's health condition," she said in a gentle, pleading tone. "Don't shout. We can talk calmly. Say whatever you need to say. I am here to answer your questions."

She straightened her back, steeling herself for the barrage of harsh questions she knew was coming.

Silas narrowed his eyes, suspicion flickering across his face. 'How did she know I was coming to question her?' he wondered.

The determination in her eyes made it clear that she already knew the purpose of his visit.

Silas clenched the file in his hand, the one that held the paternity test results. "Do you know what this is?" he demanded, shoving the file toward her.