I don’t want to see your face.

After concluding some important meetings and arranging necessary matters, Silas headed to his downtown apartment to discuss final issues with David. It was nearly dusk when he arrived.

David met him at the threshold. A grin stretched unnaturally wide across his features as he opened his arms for an embrace.

"My dear son, you finally came to see me. He hugged him. "I missed you."

Silas, however, remained rigid. The warmth David offered felt like a lie, the muscles in his back tightening against the unexpected touch.

David flinched at the coldness radiating from his son, the smile faltering for a brief moment. He recovered quickly, pulling back with a practiced expression of gratitude.

"Thank you for taking me in," David said, his expression morphing into sadness. "After struggling all these years, living a decent life felt like a distant dream. I thought I would end up alone, drowning in debts."