Peaceful retreat at home.

The fiery hues of dusk painted the sky as Silas returned his to penthouse. The day's events hung heavy on him, leaving him utterly drained. Yet, a spark of excitement flickered within him, pushing past the exhaustion.

As he stepped through the doorway, his weary eyes scanned the living space, searching for Esme. His gaze landed on her in the kitchen.

A wave of nostalgia washed over him. The memories of the past flickered in the back of his mind. Silas missed this scene. In her absence, he had often pictured her in every corner of the house. But whenever he tried to grasp that phantom image, it would dissolve into wisps of smoke.

Now, she was truly back, a tangible presence that filled the emptiness he had endured for days. A deep sense of contentment settled over him. Silas felt an unshakable certainty - his life was only complete when she was by his side.

With a lightness in his step, Silas approached Esme.