I am thinking about Julian.

Silas and Caleb entered the ward after some time, the white door swinging shut behind them. Their conversation abruptly cut off. The jovial mood vanished as they took in the flustered looks of the two women. The tension was palpable in the air. A worried glance passed between them before they turned their attention to Esme and Adelynn.

"Is everything alright?" Silas was the first one to ask.

"Maybe they fought each other just now," Caleb blurted out his speculations.

"You!" Adelynn, already on edge, bristled at his words. Her hand instinctively reached for the pillow, the urge to launch an attack warring with the need to maintain composure in front of Silas.

"That's ridiculous," she snapped. "Your guess is too bizarre. Why on earth would we be fighting?"

Ignoring the annoyance in her voice, Caleb pressed on, his brow furrowed with worry. "Then why do you look so tense?" he asked, drawing closer to the bed. "Did the doctor say something?"