Can’t he wait a little longer?

Silas's expression darkened at the name. The casual mention of her ex sent a jolt through him, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

It wasn't that he suspected her; he just couldn't stand the prospect that Julian had occupied Esme's thoughts. The mere thought was enough to stir a possessive anger within him.

"Are you still thinking about him?" he asked with a grave tone.

Esme noticed the change in his demeanor and reached out to touch his arm reassuringly. "It's not what you think, Silas. I'm worried about him. He is rushing into a marriage with Daphne."

Maintaining her calm, she narrated everything that had happened at the hospital.

"I just... I don't want him to repeat the mistakes of the past by trusting Ruby blindly," she added in the end. "Ruby manipulated him terribly. I don't want him to fall into another trap."