Mother’s advice

Scarlet's eyes were filled with empathy as she listened. She could see the pain and confusion etched on Esme's face, the burden of guilt she carried.

"Esme, you were in a difficult situation. You made the best decision you could with the information and emotions you had at the time."

Scarlet's expression softened further. "Daphne seems nice to me, sweet and friendly," she recounted her meeting with Daphne. "I met with her. She is sensible and caring. I have a feeling she'll take good care of Julian. Even his father seems to approve, which is a good sign. Honestly, there's no need to worry about him. Sometimes, things have a way of working out for the best."

Esme, however, wasn't convinced. "But Mom," she protested. "He hardly knows Daphne. Why couldn't he give himself some time to get to know her? His feelings for me have not yet faded. It's not fair for Daphne. He shouldn't get married to her."