Risky surgery

A few days later…

The meeting with Dr. Jay had gone well, leading to the scheduling of the surgery. But Colton was still hesitant about the surgery. Lara's worried face swam in his mind, fueling his anxieties.

If he died, the company would be Ewan's forever. He was afraid that Ewan wouldn't honor his promise to care for Lara after his death.

"Doctor, what are the chances of my survival?" Colton blurted out with trepidation.

Dr. Jay met his gaze, his demeanor serious. "Everything is not in my hands, Mr. Smith. Unforeseen complications can arise during surgery, and the surgery fails, even though the chances of success are quite high. But there have also been cases where the patients survived, no matter how slim the chances were. If you don't go for the procedure out of fear, you will die a slow, agonizing death. Think positively and go for it. Me and my team will do our best."