The kidnapping (Part – 1)

Esme took half an hour to arrive at Adelynn's apartment. In her excitement to see her friend, she didn't notice the black sedan that had been following her. As soon as she parked, she hurried into the apartment building.

Adelynn greeted her with a wide grin, her genuine joy shining through despite being in a wheelchair. "You've finally arrived," she chirped, rolling towards Esme and clasping her hands. "I've got something to tell you."

Esme returned her smile, eager to know what thrilled her friend.

"Caleb confessed to me," Adelynn announced, her voice filled with excitement. "I can't believe it's happening. I'm moving into his house."

"Oh, my God. Are you serious?" Esme exclaimed, feeling a rush of joy and excitement.

"Yes, yes… He is coming here tonight to help me pack my things," Adelynn said, her eyes shining. "He is really caring."