The kidnapping (Part – 2)

Adelynn's heart pounded with fear and desperation, knowing her friend was being taken away, and she was powerless to stop it.

A spark of desperate defiance flared in Adelynn's chest. She had to call someone for help. Her eyes darted to Esme's purse and the scattered contents lying a few feet away.

"Um…" Ignoring the white-hot pain that throbbed in her leg with every shallow breath, she pushed herself forward, her teeth digging into her bottom lip. Sweat beaded on her forehead, tracing a salty path down her temples as the pain grew.

Her breaths were ragged gasps, her body screaming at her to surrender. Yet, fueled by a primal surge of determination, Adelynn summoned the last reserves of her strength. Inch by agonizing inch, she propelled herself across the unforgiving concrete.

Finally, she reached for Esme's phone. With her trembling fingers, she quickly dialed Silas's number.