Bring Victoria and take Esme away.

"You are insane!" Esme, bound and trembling, spat. "That property belongs to the Sullivans. You can't get it." Her voice, raw with fear, still held a flicker of defiance.

"No one remains to uphold the Sullivans' legacy," David mocked. His words dripped with a twisted sense of entitlement.

"Ewan is getting old and will die soon. All the properties will be my son's – and mine naturally, including Victoria. However, my son is not grasping the truth. He is indebted to Ewan. I need to show him the reality. That's why this little game."

Esme's stomach churned with disgust at his twisted logic. She couldn't believe the depth of his greed and cruelty.

"You, my darling, are going to be my daughter-in-law soon," he announced, a cruel smile twisting his lips, "and carrying my grandchild. I'll definitely not kill you. I hurt you only to scare Silas and warn him not to involve the cops in this matter. See, I brought medicine too."