A slow, agonizing death will be your reward.

After giving Victoria medicine and putting her to sleep, Ewan came back to the dock, the salty breeze whipping at his face. A grim determination replaced the worry etched on his features as he met the officer. Because of his request, the chief of police had not registered the case. The matter would be dealt with in a non-legal manner.

Ewan stood on the unforgiving metal deck of a cargo ship and asked solemnly, "Where is he?"

"Come with me." The office nodded to the other side of the ship.

Ewan followed the hulking figure towards a shadowy corner.

There, bathed in the dim spill of a lone lantern, Ewan found a pitiful sight. David, his posture broken, knelt on the rough floor, his wrists bound tightly behind him.

Two burly guards stood vigilantly beside him, their faces emotionless masks.

Ewan approached him, his steps calculative and his expression gloomy.