The explosion

A jolt of adrenaline surged through her. Silas! Relief warred with a fresh wave of terror.

The bomb...

He shouldn't be here.

Esme writhed against her restraints, her cries muffled. In her mind, a silent scream echoed: 'No! Don't come in! It'll explode! Go back, Silas, go back!'

But her pleas were lost. The harsh click of the main door opening sent a fresh wave of terror through her. The sound of approaching footsteps, punctuated by Silas's frantic calls, grew closer.

"Esme! Where are you?"

"Mm!" A muffled cry, fueled by desperate hope and a burgeoning fear for his safety, tore from Esme's throat.

Then, with a jarring screech, the door to her prison swung open, and Silas's tall silhouette filled the doorway. Their gazes locked, and for a brief moment, the world seemed to pause. Relief and terror surged through her simultaneously.