Silas’s desperation

David's laughter escalated into a chilling, high-pitched cackle. He had sneakily pressed the remote clipped to his belt and activated the time bomb that was tied to Esme.

Silas's blood ran cold at the implications of his words. He realized Esme was in danger. He had to find her, and fast.

"You snatched everything from me!" David crowed, his voice dripping with manic glee. "Now, I'll take what you cherish most."

Silas ignored the twisted pleasure in David's words. Adrenaline surged through him, propelling him forward in a desperate sprint. "Esme!" he bellowed, running around.

He weaved through rows upon rows of towering shipping containers. There were hundreds of containers. There was no way he could search them all in fifteen minutes.

Panic clawed at his throat. A delay could kill Esme. With a surge of raw desperation, Silas spun on his heel and raced back towards David. he ripped a gun from its holster hidden beneath his jacket and pointed at him.