David's twisted wish

Silas's grip tightened on the gun hidden beneath his jacket, his muscles coiled with readiness. He could feel the tension radiating from his mother beside him, her breaths coming in short, anxious bursts.

The figure stepped closer, the dim light revealing David's gaunt face. He stopped a few meters away, a twisted grin playing on his lips.

"You are finally here, Victoria," he drawled, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I'm impressed by your... selflessness. You are willingly sacrificing yourself for Esme. Everyone matters to you, except me."

The sardonic smile that had twisted his lips vanished as quickly as it appeared.

"Cut the crap," Victoria snarled. "Just release Esme."

"Relax! What is the hurry?" David said flippantly, his gaze shifting to Silas, a cruel glint in his eyes, "There are a few matters I need to discuss with my son first."