The time bomb

Silas slid into the backseat of the car where Phill and Caleb already waited. "Just got another message from David," he announced and showed them the video, revealing David's outrageous demands.

Both Phill and Caleb were stunned to see David's audacity.

Caleb's face contorted in fury, a low growl escaping his lips. "He can't be serious!" he spat, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steering wheel.

Phill, on the other hand, remained an island of calm amidst the storm. "I think you should fulfill his demand," he said slowly.

Caleb's head snapped towards him, his eyes blazing. "Consider what?" he hissed, irritated. Surrendering to his every whim? What the hell are you talking about?"

Silas was also dissatisfied, his scowl deepening. He had contacted him, hoping Phill would help him find out about David's hideouts. Now, that hope dwindled. Phill requested that they surrender to David's demands.