Fulfilling her demand

A wide grin split Silas's face as he burst into the room. "Ice cream is on its way," he declared, the excitement bubbling over. "I dispatched a guard to fetch some for you."

"Really?" Esme's eyes widened in surprise. "But you said everything was closed by now? How will he manage?" A pang of sympathy went out to the unfortunate guard.

"He has his methods," Silas assured her, his smile faltering for a moment as a suspicion arose. "Wait a minute! Are you worried about the guard?"

His eyes narrowed, a hint of jealousy seeping into his heart. "You deliberately wanted me to go out and bring ice cream. You didn't take the time to pity me! But you feel bad for that guy."

The acrid tang of jealousy wasn't lost on Esme. "Silas," she began, her voice taking on a placating tone, "you are my betrothed. I can make requests, and whether you fulfill them is up to you. But troubling the guard was unnecessary."