Stay away from Julian.

The next day…

Esme arrived at Joyee's cafe right on time. Daphne, however, was already there, her posture rigid and a stern expression etched on her face. Even from across the room, Esme could sense the woman's simmering anger. Furrowing her brow in concern, she crossed the distance. With a forced smile, she greeted her and settled into the chair opposite Daphne.

"Is everything alright?" she ventured cautiously.

Daphne's expression only hardened further. How could things possibly be alright with Esme around? The urge to lash out was strong, but Daphne clenched her jaw, forcing the words out slowly.

"No, things are not positive between me and Julian," Daphne said slowly, struggling to keep her rage in check. "That's why I wanted to talk to you."

Esme's concern deepened. "Okay," she said placatingly. "I'm all ears. Tell me what's going on. Maybe I can help you work things out with Julian."