The priority

Daphne remained rooted to the spot, Esme's words echoing ominously in her ears. She was indeed sad, seeing Julian so utterly heartbroken. Yet, a sliver of justification clung to her. It was for the best.

She was enough for Julian. She would care for him, fill his life with joy, and fulfill his wishes. A friend like Esme wasn't necessary for that.

"Don't worry, Esme," Daphne murmured with a strange mix of defiance and reassurance. "I won't be in trouble, as long as you stay away from us."

With newfound resolve hardening her features, she spun around and hurried after Julian, hoping to catch him. But as she rounded the corner, she saw him pulling out of the driveway, the car already gaining speed.

"Julian!" she screamed as she sprinted after the receding vehicle. But Julian didn't stop. He didn't even hesitate. The car became a blur of red taillights, disappearing into the dark.