Tang Aibai

The previous day, the team had raided the lair of the superpower cult, capturing Claude, the cat demon, in the process. The number of incarcerated superpower criminals was so substantial that even the entire twenty-eight constellations observed the spectacle. Though the members of the Nangong team, led by Tang Aibai, felt pride, they were equally fatigued.

Had Claude not been out of contact, there wouldn't have been plans to patrol Su Fang that night. Following the eradication of a sect, other illegal superpower organizations in the city wouldn't dare to cause trouble, at least for a few weeks, ensuring Su Fang's stability.

Upon receiving Claude's message, Tang Aibai prepared to lead the team to conclude the task. While discussing how to extract information from the superpowered criminals, they hear a man's scream nearby.

Rushing to aid innocent bystanders, they encountered seven drooling Hellcats and fiercely battled for over half an hour. Instead of defeating any, Tang Aibai's superpowers are nearly depleted before contacting Claude.

Due to limited time and the ferocity of the Hellcats, Tang Aibai didn't delve into detail. He briefly outlined the situation and hastily sent Claude his location.

"I didn't expect overcoming the demon cat in the surveillance footage to be this challenging," Penghua said, evading the three-headed Hellcat amidst the entwined vines and leaves, expressing frustration. "Why is it so tough for us?"

Tang Aibai terminated communication, formed two fingers together, and blew gently, generating countless silver bubbles. The bubbles landed on the Hellcat, transforming into small sharp vortices, severing the Hellcat's four claws and even fragmenting its body. However, instead of the expected gore, the injured area turned into black mist, soon reforming the intact Hellcat.

"These Hellcats aren't very potent. The smallest ones are at most D-level medium, and the four largest are approximately D-level high. Yet, we're unable to harm them," remarked the Nangong team members in unison, diverting the Hellcats' attention and anger, attempting to confine them in a specific area on the street to safeguard civilians.

Meanwhile, Claude discussed the matter with the dog toy.

"Why can't the Nangong team defeat the Hellcat?" He didn't perceive himself as mightier than the well-trained superheroes of the Nangong team. "Moreover, Captain Tang mentioned the Hellcat appeared half an hour ago. Why did you only sense it now?"

"Typically, I can sense it in time. I presume it's due to the spatial shielding device used by the twenty-eight constellations. I only sensed the Hellcat's presence when the shielding device was deactivated just now," patiently explained the dog toy.

"The Hell Cat isn't an ordinary demon but a chaotic consciousness that splits after the gods' fall. Even when weakened in the human world, its personality remains unshaken by mortals. You can repel it to hell because you possess the power of the dog god, matching the Hell Cat in personality, or even surpassing it, as you're a cat while it's a dog. Even the mightiest ordinary superpowered beings can't open the Hell Gate; they can only witness the Hell Cat's continual death and revival."

Claude wisely refrained from commenting on the cat-dog struggle. Understanding the dog toy's explanation, he felt slightly safer and hastened towards his destination. As he darted between towering buildings, his form almost became a shadow, seamlessly blending with the night. Only the moonlight illuminated the trailing furry tail behind him.

Once more, the black mist coalesced into a hellcat's form, its gaping maw viciously tearing through Penghua's tangled vines, breaching his defenses. But before it could pounce on him, a metal claw swiftly slashed its neck, silencing the Hellcat in an instant.

Bracing himself for injury, Penghua turned the corner, taking a deep breath as he looked up. There stood a boy with cat ears, wearing a smile that seemed cute and gentle, evoking protective instincts. But before Penghua could utter a word, the boy turned, stepping on the Hellcat's head and engaging it in a fierce scuffle. Eventually, with a violent thrust, he expelled the Hellcat by driving his claw into its skull.

Penghua stood in silence.

"Your filter's broken, thank you," he finally managed.

The three Nangong team members halted their attacks in unison, observing Claude effortlessly dispatching the Hellcats one after another. It was as though they weren't facing a team that had nearly overwhelmed them but rather handling feeble adversaries.

After dealing with the last Hellcat, Claude paused, wiping the remaining black mist off his fingertips and looked apologetically at Tang Aibai. "I'm sorry for not sensing the Hellcat's presence earlier. I arrived late."

Tang Aibai's eyes flickered, her eyebrows lifting involuntarily. As a member of the Twenty-Eight Constellations responsible for protecting China from superpower threats, it was the first for someone to assume the position of protector, apologizing for nearly getting injured.

"Our mission is to protect Su Fang," she replied succinctly, avoiding further discussion, and delving straight into the most pressing matter. "Where did these Hellcats vanish after turning into black mist?"

Tang Aibai didn't delve into how Li Hua defeated the Hellcat. Although initially considering Li Hua might have weaknesses against the Hellcat, observing Claude's battle closely affirmed that Li Hua's style was unique, indicating only Li Hua's abilities could genuinely harm the Hellcat.

"They were banished back to hell," Claude explained, omitting the dog god aspect from what the dog toy had conveyed, elucidating to Tang Aibai. "But your attacks weren't in vain. The Hell Cat's strength diminishes each time it transforms into mist and reforms. If not for the substantial weakening of the Hellcats, expelling all seven wouldn't have been as straightforward."

Thoughtfully nodding, Tang Aibai inspected the damaged space shield in her hand. Aware of the imminent need to depart the street, she extended an invitation, "Would you like to accompany us back to the Twenty-Eighth Constellation headquarters? We eliminated the sect yesterday, and I believe you'd be interested in the aftermath."

While suggesting a return to the Twenty-Eighth Branch headquarters, her true intention was to entice this adept and enigmatic figure into joining the Nangong team. Tang Aibai rubbed her chin, meeting Claude's gaze with sincerity.

Claude didn't refuse this time. After confirming with the dog toy that there were no Hellcats present at the moment, he happily accompanied them to the headquarters.

The recent developments had fostered a sense of fondness in Claude towards the Twenty-Eight Lunar Mansions, leading him to grant them some trust. With the escalating power and number of Hellcats, he felt a growing sense of isolation in the ongoing battle. If he were to encounter another significant setback and be tracked by someone with ulterior motives, he couldn't guarantee another fortunate escape.

"Can I call you Lihua?" Jiao Liang stepped closer, her eyes resembling crescent moons as she gazed at Claude, her tone carrying a hint of intimacy.

Penghua, standing guard nearby, turned his head, adjusted his glasses, and agreed, "Indeed, his agility and explosive power are quite remarkable."

Curious about these two, Claude politely engaged in conversation when they approached him, leading to a natural exchange.

While the trio conversed fervently, Tang Aibai, walking ahead alone, couldn't resist glancing back several times, longing to join the conversation but finding no suitable opportunity. Continuously walking with her head down, they eventually stopped at a secluded corner at the end of the street, where an old, dusty three-wheeled snack cart was parked. Its cover was emblazoned in bright red letters reading "Northeast Delicacy: Grilled Cold Face," while the bottom seemed to be an empty board.

Claude rubbed his ear in confusion, pondering how this seemingly unrelated cart connected to the Twenty-Eight Lunar Mansions' teleportation channel.

Jiao Liang halted in front of the snack cart, cautiously surveyed the surroundings, then extended her right hand and tapped the board thirty-six times, whispering, "Four Guardians of the Sky, stationed in the four directions."

Upon finishing her words, the snack cart vanished, replaced by a silver arched door emitting a cold glow. Jiao Liang stood before the door, allowing red rays to scan her body, as a mechanical voice declared, "Jiao Liang of the Twenty-Eight Lunar Mansions, authentication successful."

The metallic door slid open, and Jiao Liang entered first, followed closely by Penghua. Meanwhile, Tang Aibai placed a hand on Claude's shoulder, guiding him as they slowly entered.

"This is incredible," Claude exclaimed. "Is this magic?"

"No, this is a supernatural ability," Tang Aibai corrected, then playfully added, "But strictly speaking, there's not much difference. It's beyond our understanding but quite practical."

Claude was too captivated by everything within the core of the Twenty-Eight Lunar Mansions to respond to Tang Aibai.

It didn't resemble the government office building he had envisioned, nor did it exude the solemn atmosphere of a police station or substation. Instead, there were soft beige cushions in a circle, a dessert stand with delicate pastries, various green plants, and books. Claude even noticed one with the title "The Demon King and His Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine Little Wives" on the cover. In the distance lay a circular, plush velvet rug with a peculiar, sizable green tent stacked atop it.

It didn't seem like a conventional headquarters for an official supernatural organization but more akin to a recreational area for a children's summer camp.