The Interrogation Room

"Do you think it's different from what you expected?" Tang Aibai smiled, observing Claude's shocked expression, and explained, "This is the headquarters of the Twenty-Eight Constellations, accessible only to internal members. Hence, the layout here is relatively casual and relaxed."

Considering the Twenty-Eight Constellations deal with the darker aspects of the entire constellation and combat super-powered criminals, it's a risky task. Having a comfortable and secure headquarters greatly benefits the mental well-being of its members.

Claude comprehended, nodding thoughtfully, showcasing increased respect for the Twenty-Eight Constellations.

Tang Aibai glanced at him, pleased that Claude hadn't objected to the statement about exclusive access for members of the Twenty-Eight Constellations. She walked over to the ice cream machine next to the dessert rack and prepared a grass-flavored ice cream cone for Claude. After he finished it in a few bites, Tang Aibai impatiently pulled him forward.

"Let me take you to the detention center first," Tang Aibai said. "There are many things related to you in the interrogation statement this afternoon, and now's a good time to discuss them."

Claude followed Tang Aibai towards the green tent near the circular carpet, realizing that it resembled a tent but was actually a gigantic turtle shell. Perhaps hearing the commotion, the turtle emerged, its black and brown basketball-sized eyes fixating on Claude before turning to Tang Aibai, asking slowly, "Here comes a newcomer. Where are we headed?"

The talking turtle shocked Claude. Vaguely recalling from the dog toy that no animal had transformed into a spirit for nearly a thousand years, Claude speculated the turtle couldn't be older than a thousand years.

"This isn't a turtle spirit," the dog toy clarified to Claude.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a human transformed, most likely due to a curse or an accident in superpower research. In any case, it's not a good thing," the dog toy explained.

Claude's heart chilled abruptly. Despite initially being excited about the giant turtle, when it stomped its feet and revealed a modern corridor, he politely bid farewell and entered the corridor with the Nangong team.

As he stepped in, the previous hall vanished. Claude turned back, seeing only cold walls. Momentarily stunned, Joe Liang grabbed his arm, hastening him to the other end of the corridor.

On both sides, behind solid glass walls, sat criminals-some slouched on chairs or lying on steel beds nearby. A few glared menacingly at passers-by, even grinning fiercely and frighteningly when Claude glanced at them, but he maintained an expressionless face, imitating Tang Aibai's demeanor.

"Most are Superpower Cult followers," Penghua whispered to Claude. "A few believed they were invincible after gaining their superpowers and ventured into arson and robbery-but it's rare, as individuals with superpowers usually awaken during childhood."

There are few recorded cases of adults gaining superpowers after reaching adulthood.

Claude playfully thought of himself as having adventures. However, if the dog toy knew, it would likely express fury for five minutes, then repeat its usual statement: "There's a fundamental difference between the power of gods and humans, with the former far surpassing the latter."

At the corridor's end lay an interrogation room, replete with a set of medieval-looking torture tools that initially seemed intimidating.

Claude couldn't resist glancing over a few more times.

"These things are actually useless," Tang Aibai smiled, noticing Claude's concern. "The truth serum, dispensed by the pharmacist, is mainly here as a bluff. Most criminals aren't familiar with the Twenty-Eight Constellations' style and get intimidated by these tools."

Qiao Liang raised his eyebrows, leaning close to Claude and whispered, "It's not to scare people. When the captain was just a rookie, he thought the interrogation room was too bare. He bought these decorations himself, but look at that guillotine-it's got a blunt blade. Who'd be fooled by such cheap Halloween props?"

Tang Aibai covered her face, attempting to hide her team members' revelations about her past.

Clearing his throat, he picked up the interrogation record, circling a few key points for Claude. "Here, according to them, someone on the black market is selling information, claiming you're a dog demon. This stirred these small cults, desperate for research materials."

"We suspect another instigator behind this, aiming to test your true identity and abilities," Tang Aibai continued. "We suspect a link to the Hellcat. Do you have any assistance against the Hellcat? Or know if it has similar help?"

Claude shook his head helplessly. Apart from the Twenty-Eight Constellations, only his own abilities assisted him. As for the Hellcat's help, he hadn't discovered any so far.

"I don't know. The Dog God hasn't mentioned it," Claude added after a pause. "Even if there is, Hellcat's helpers are probably from hell, having died thousands of years ago. They're likely unrelated to human organizations, right?"

The investigation hit a dead end, leaving Tang Aibai embarrassed. After a pause, he said, "There's a possibility they genuinely believe you're a dog demon. The original judgment by the Twenty-Eight Constellations was accurate. It's not surprising the less-informed superpower sects might think the same."

With no conclusive results, Tang Aibai shifted the topic. He put down the thick stack of interrogation materials and faced Claude, his expression turning serious. "Li Hua, would you consider joining the Twenty-Eight Constellations?"

The frequent Hell Cat appearances posed a threat to the constellations' safety, and Claude's mysterious background and remarkable skills, coupled with the provoked sects, made recruiting him the best choice for everyone's safety.

Tang Aibai had prepared meticulously, even seeking exceptionally favorable conditions for Claude. When he extended the invitation, he was mentally prepared for persuasion tactics but was taken aback when Claude readily agreed, "Sure."

"Don't be so quick to deny it," Tang Aibai choked on his own words. After recovering, he exclaimed in disbelief, "You agree?"